Parker Authorised Distributor

Parker – Compax 3M Multi Axis Servo Drive

Standard Features

  • Common DC Bus
  • Sharing of a braking resistor across bus
  • Sharing of a single AC mains filter
  • Extremely slim design; shallow depth
  • Advanced safety options
  • USB Communications

Standard Features

  • Common DC Bus
  • Sharing of a braking resistor across bus
  • Sharing of a single AC mains filter
  • Extremely slim design; shallow depth
  • Advanced safety options
  • USB Communications

Compax3M Safety Technology

  • State-of-art safety technology (EN ISO13849)
  • Comes standard with Cat. 3 Safety
  • Simple and cost-effective wiring
  • Simple wiring avoids costly mistakes
  • Safety options (order as special):
    • SS1 (safe stop 1) Category 3
    • STOg (safe torque off) Category 4
    • SLS (safety limited speed)
    • SOS (safe operating speed)
    • ST2 (safe stop 2)
    • SLI (safely limited increment)
    • SLP (safely limited position)
    • SDI (safe direction)
    • Safe Input/Output signals
    • SSM (safe speed monitoring)